Categories: BloggingLife

7 Years of Veggie Mama

Seven years, eh? That’s longer than any job I’ve ever had, that’s for sure. One year older than my first born (happy birthday Biggie!) and definitely longer than I ever envisioned when I set out on a blogspot blog all those years ago.

Would you look at that! Look at it! Brown, because I thought it looked vintage. Profile pic from a Facebook photo. This was probably my third ever post, Brave New World reference and all. I still make this recipe, same as I still make most of the recipes on here… they’re really the everyday eats of this everyday vegetarian mum.

I miss those old days, I never forget how it felt when I first started when I see funny old images like this. I’ve started listening to an old podcast from a couple of bloggers from around the same time and it’s like stepping back into a blog vortex. It’s been simultaneously way more awesome and way weirder than I ever imagined on that day I hit ‘publish” on my first post. Who’d have thought seven years later I’d still be tapping away, long after Twitter became king, after Facebook pages replaced blog comments, and after Instagram replaced everything.

Birthdays, anniversaries, new jobs, house moves and births of babes all took place in that time, captured on here. Epic food, complete disasters, crochet projects I forgot I even made. Snippets of daily domesticity that would have otherwise been lost. Friendships made, and still endure despite never actually speaking to these friends in the flesh. Or hell, even on the phone. Meetups in coffee shops, interstate, and in new cities, all because one day I thought maybe I should start one of those blog thingies like The Pioneer Woman does.

Here’s to another seven years… and maybe more. Thanks for being with me whether it be a day or forever. THIS IS CRAZY AND AWESOME.


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