Categories: Life

A few things from the weekend

Hello friends. It’s one of those mornings where there’s frost on the car and I have to put my clothes over the heating vents in the floor to warm them up before I put them on (one of which is a new knit from Jeanswest made from pure Australian cotton sent to me last week, which is glorious). It’s the coldest morning in a year, but the day promises to be beautiful and sunny – just right for the epic op shop trawl I’m just about to go on!

But before I do, I wanted to drop some links that I read over the weekend I thought you might like. Tbh most of my weekend was spent glued to the laptop as I begin the massive expedition that is transferring all my recipes to new formats. Of COURSE they need to be done individually and by hand as the new software I wanted to use doesn’t have the functionality to import them across in bulk YAY. It’s taken me three full days so far and I’ve still just only hit 2013… heaven help me. I also looked at the readership stats from then compared to now, and all traffic across the board has dropped 45%. I hope the three of you still here find the new format helpful, at least!


FIRST THINGS FIRST, link-wise, you’ll find a dramatically updated blog roll over there to your right -> A bunch of us from the olden days of Aussie blogging have all reconnected and it’s been so nice to get back together and see who’s doing what these days. I’ve added them to the blog roll faves so you can poke through and have a read for yourself, with more to come. I’ve SO missed the community aspect of blogging in the last few years and it is so rad to think we could re-build that.

2. Anthony Bourdain’s apology letter to Josh Homme’s daughter – BRING TISSUES.

3. Belle and Sebastian’s first fans connected online before the trolls arrived {Salon} – literally never heard a song of theirs in my life, but I loved reading about music message boards and email lists which got me all nostalgic for the early days of internet community. I loved the chat rooms I was in where we’d find new music and friends and funny shit. Nobody hassled anybody else (much, but I also ended up an admin who could boot people at will) and it was generally a good way to pass the time.

4. Friday Essay: The Politics of Curry {The Conversation} – Such an interesting look into the simplification of a massively complex issue.

5. Apple’s New Software Will Help You Use Your Phone Less Often {Time} – GOOD. Probably half the reason I’m such a terrible blogger is that I’m never on my phone.

6. Friday Night Blog {Foxslane} – One of my favourite blogs making me feel very happy every Friday. Last week was no exception. Simple stuff that I enjoy, and a very good indicator of why I’m still here and why I still seek out blogs that share the everyday.

7. The 50 Best Australian Songs of the 90s {Double J} – Some controversial choices! But a solid effort and even a playable playlist to get you through this week where we’re all forced to be adults and do boring shit.

And so I throw myself back into school holidays (one lemon drizzle cake coming right up, one wrestle with the laundry, one staring at the larder for the 50th time trying to feed everyone, one more wade through neck-deep LEGO while stepping around the insane cubby these children have built). Have a good one!

(ps don’t forget the school holiday kids’ crochet workshop I’m hosting on Wednesday at Betties in Northcote – would love to see you + the young’uns there if you’re around!)


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