Categories: Giveaway

Become a RocketFuel Influencer, and you can win a $200 appliance of your choice!


You may or may not have seen the affiliate buttons here on Veggie Mama for Rocketman Media and their RocketFuel Influencer campaigns.

I’ve been working with them for a while, and I like the way they do things. Becoming an influencer means you can leverage your social media channels – blog, twitter and facebook, and work with brands you like to bring cool things to your readers. It’s not overwhelming, it never feels like spam, and you can pick and choose not only the campaign – but where to put it. Only want to tweet? That’s all you need to agree to for that campaign.

RocketFuel influencing is still only new, and they’d love for you to join. They’ve generously offered a $200 prize to one lucky reader who signs up to be an influencer and answers a simple question here on Veggie Mama – what’s to lose?

So if you’re in the mood for a food processor…
Maybe a pizza oven…
Or even a coffee machine for that ever-important morning wake up,
or anything else to the value of $200 at Appliances Online, you can sign up to be an influencer. You win, you choose.
Go and check them out, and if it’s something you might be interested in, sign up.
Then come back here, and in the comments section let me know you’ve signed up and answer this question:
“What food product/brand best represents you, your family or your blog?”
A Rocketman representative will choose their favourite to be the winner.
The competition is only open to Australian residents (sorry!), and will end on Tuesday, March 20 at 9am. The winner will be notified by email, so please make sure your contact details are accessible.
The winner then chooses their prize.
And you all get to use your social media even more to your advantage, and your readers get access to things that will entertain them, inform them, or just plain delight them!
In the interests of disclosure, I have been an affiliate for Rocketman for a while now. I normally get $5 for everyone who signs up through the buttons on my blog. If you’re ok with that, you can sign up using either of the existing buttons.
If you’re not (and that’s cool), you can click on this image below, and be taken to the regular sign-up page. I won’t know who clicks what, so do whatever your dear hearts desire!
I’m happy to answer any questions you may have – email me at mamavegetable at
Good luck!

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