Categories: LifeMotherhood

I can’t get no sleep

Kids and pets – guaranteed to interrupt your sleep and turn you into an absolute lunatic.

And I want it! I want it very much. But with little ones, your sleep is pretty much guaranteed to be disrupted (unless you’re the kind of person who posts on clickbait Facebook status updates with “my kids have all slept from 2.5 weeks, if you don’t make it an issue it won’t be, don’t hate me cos it’s true lol” yeah cool thanks for that) at some point. Some times more than others.

Smalls woke six times a night, on average, until 10 months old. She would wake once or twice after that (and a small intervention on my exhausted part). Sleep deprivation was doing to me all the things you hear it will do to you. I knew with the move, things would not improve in a hurry, and indeed they haven’t. Now I’ve got kids who go to bed at 11pm (thanks a LOT DAYLIGHT MOTHER<CENSORED> SAVINGS!), one who will then wake at three for half an hour, then get up at five or six. A couple of weeks of that on top of years of broken sleep, and a sleep debt so big not even Bill Gates could pay it off, and you’ve got yourself one straw that breaks the camel’s back.

I erroneously thought that because I wasn’t a total broken, screaming banshee that I couldn’t complain because it couldn’t really be THAT bad. Well, it’s a bit silly of me to wait until then to know that it’s gone too far.

I need to sleep. These babies need to sleep. Now that we’re here and we’re doing well settling in, I think it’s time to put a little effort into some consistency and a little routine. It’s hard to convince a whip-smart pre-schooler that it’s still “nighting time” even though the sun is up, but I’m going to give it a go.

I’ve gotten a lot of comfort lately from reading posts other mothers have written, especially where they’ve said “you’re not alone!”. So if you can’t get no sleep either, then hey – you’re not alone. Somewhere out there, I’m crying into a cup of tea and mentally piecing together the scraps I’ve gotten overnight to see if makes up enough to get me through the day.


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