Categories: Life

Finding my Melbourne groove

Wasn’t me, I swear. That hair’s not mine either, I don’t know where that came from…

I haven’t been here long, but I already feel at home. I have seen 1/200,000th of what this city offers, and I’m in love with it anyway. I am so excited to be here, and excited to finally get to explore once we get settled in.

I’m also remembering random things from my childhood, mostly prompted by smells. I was born in Victoria, in Shepparton actually (although it was meant to be Rushworth, but I got stuck and mum had to be taken to the nearest big hospital for an emergency Caesarean. Sorry mum!) and I spent my childhood mostly here, up until about Grade 4, with a few stints in Queensland now and then. Every time I go to the park I smell the trees that only grow here, and that I haven’t smelled in years. It’s instantly familiar, and I remember things I didn’t even know I knew.

It’s also so nice to see signs to familiar places, and hear people chatting about my childhood country towns. Maybe that’s why I feel so at home? I don’t know. It’s also pretty cool to think that my children might follow in my Victorian primary school footsteps and learn the same vernacular that I did, that had to unlearn when I went to Queensland. Suddenly play lunch and bathers are back, and little lunch and togs are OUT.

I thought it might be cool to get a snapshot of where we’re at Pip-style like I did here last August. I hope some of you play along again, it was fun reading all your responses!

Making : A crochet baby blanket that I started a MILLION years ago, but never finished in time for people’s babies. So I’m determined to get it done and the girls can have it for their new-to-us handmade doll cradle that they got for Christmas.
Cooking : Bread in my new breadmaker. I have made four loaves, and three have failed. I do not know what I’m doing wrong, as I’m following the recommended recipes to the letter. If you’re keen for any doorstops, let me know! They smell like bread, too. Bonus.
Drinking : Melbourne Breakfast tea (of course), a gift from my homie.
Reading: Notes from a Blue Bike by Tsh Oxenreider, Fingerpainting in Psych Class by Jay Morgan, and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams. (the last two are affiliate links :))
Wanting: To get these filthy blinds down off the windows so I can hose them.
Looking: at everything. Every time I walk out the front door I’m frantically trying to take it all in. I love it here.
Playing: Play dough. Time for a new batch, I think.
Wasting: away on the couch when it gets too hot.
Sewing: I’m meant to be fixing the sleeves on a little vintage dress of Pepper’s that the elastic has come out of, but I haven’t got around to it yet. There’s also a pocket on one of my nana’s aprons that has come unravelled that is begging for my attention.
Wishing: That I could eat all the amazing veg/vegan Asian food around here all day errday.
Enjoying: Picking fresh flowers from the garden and putting them in my house.
Waiting: Last time I did one of these, I said I was waiting to move to Melbourne. Now I’m just waiting for the wilty, sad rosebushes to be happy and productive again. Must be patient. And nurturing.
Liking: This big old house and its fabulous charm. I’m going to have to start being one of those people who post vignettes or something. Everything’s just so pretty.
Wondering: If I’m ever going to get the hang of driving in a city.
Loving: My family. These girls are at such a wonderful age and I’m enjoying them immensely. My husband is also hot.
Hoping: The girls like their new day care.
Marvelling: Ha last time I wrote that Pepper was sleeping through the night. No she’s not. I’m marvelling at how I’m still alive after getting up to her fifty million times in 16 months.
Smelling: A grapefruit candle that Matt lit because Bobbin pooped in our bedroom. He’s taking a while to acclimatise to his new surroundings. I’m also going to point out for those who don’t know, Bobbin is Matt’s illegitimate cousin we keep in the basement our cat.
Wearing: Black sleeveless Sportsgirl top, black patterned casual pants from Target, and a medium Ubercircle that was a swap deal from Uberkate. It says “BADASS“, and is on a 70cm silver ball chain (I paid for the chain). Also rocking my new favourite – a Wu-Tang ring from Windfall Jewellery, part of our recent collaboration.
FollowingBerondi on Instagram. Oberon posts the most amazing pictures of Tasmania.
Noticing: I look much older than I used to all of a sudden. I think it is the lack of sleeeeeeep. >> this still applies.
Knowing: A ridiculous amount of TV and movie trivia, given my expert effort at a quiz that was in the paper last weekend.
Thinking: About my face falling off because I’m getting older.
Feeling: SO MOTHER**(^&%( TIRED
Bookmarking: Melbourne veg restaurants
Opening: A new membership at La Manna Direct. My buddy Shae gave me a heads up that it was a great supermarket, and now I want to live inside its walls and eat all its cheese.
Giggling: At my kids playing their imaginary games and saying their little toddler things. It’s “bust attend”, and it’s the cutest “just pretend” I ever did see.
Listening: The ’90s station on Spotify, and whatever Matt has on the iPod. Lately it’s been Jimmy Eat World, Tony Sly’s 12 Song Program and Sad Bear, and Against Me!

(I changed the bottom one to Listening because for some reason I had Feeling twice. And we all know I’m tired!)


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