Categories: GiveawayLife

In which we get to see the MCG up close and eat too many jam donuts – and you can win a Family Day Out with the Hawks!

In collaboration with Bupa

There’s not much better than when Melbourne turns on a spectacular winter’s day and we were v. spoiled indeed when it did just that when we headed to the Bupa Ultimate Family Footy Experience at the MCG last week – just cold enough for a hot jam doughnut, but warm enough to sit in the stands without freezing our bits off.

We were promised exclusive behind-the- scenes fun, lunch in a corporate box, watching the big game and lots of opportunities to connect with our family, and Bupa delivered – we had a blast (even if my team lost it’s ok i’m fine #gopies) and we got to do it as a family.

My competitive nature got a run for its money with the fun Amazing Race around the grounds. Team Roberts worked together to find clues that took us into the MCG locker rooms and around the perimeter of the oval, which was a pretty incredible experience even for a sport numpty like me. The whole thing, however, crowned me as Wife of The Year, and I shall continue to remind my husband of that one time I got us onto the hallowed turf of the MCG, basically forever until I die.

Even more fun was lunch in the Yarra Park room (honestly I’ll never be able to go to a regular game again without all these extra perks) where the kids got their faces painted, played Twister, got a balloon animal, and all the popcorn and yogurt they could eat.

I wasted no time in procuring the aforementioned hot jam doughnut to sustain me through the game and to half-time, where I was promised there would be scones.

I was not disappointed. The scones were fab.

We were also treated to some chat from legends of the game, which no doubt inspired the footy-mad little kids in attendance – and to be honest probably some of their dads, too! Pretty sure Lunchbox thought he could give it a go after all that.

I love that the girls are old enough to remember outings like these, and that we made memories as a family that day at the MCG. Their brightly coloured faces eagerly watching players on the field and trying to make sense of it (“which team are we going for, dad?” “who are the people in the pink shirts, dad?” “can we have another doughnut?”) the sneak peek we got at the National Sports Museum, the kids kicking a footy on the grounds and learning to hand ball in the locker room, all of us together. Double thumbs up from me!

And now for the fun bit: win a family day out with the Hawks!

You too can win a fun family day out with the Hawks – simply head here and answer the question: “If you could ask the mighty Hawks one question, what would it be?”

Good luck! Have a jam donut for me.


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