Categories: For Kids

Gift Guide: shop for little ones at Spiral Garden (and support local business this Christmas!)

When I’m looking for natural, handmade, ethical and sustainable items for my kids, the first place I go is Spiral Garden. Run from Tasmania by the lovely Lauren + Oberon (and their delightful little trio of owlet ladies), the store is a wonderful collection of natural and fair-trade goodness for all.

I know they put a lot of effort into finding beautiful items that fit those categories, and it saves me a lot of hassle researching or trying to find the pieces individually. They’re a bit of a one-stop shop for me, with anything from art materials, toys, books and musical instruments, I’m sure to always find what I’m looking for. And I have a wishlist a mile long.

I asked Lauren and Oberon a couple of questions to find out what drives their passion for natural living and eco-friendliness, which spills over into their store. Their answers, of course, are amazing and terribly inspiring. I’ve also put together a little gift guide if you’re still stuck on what to get your little ones this Christmas.

What is the catalyst behind choosing the natural lifestyle for your family?
We both grew up with fairly crunchy values and then moving to Tasmania and being surrounded by so much nature, really cemented those values for us. Oberon also works in conservation and Lauren has a background in design and ever since we first met as students, we plotted and planned to one-day combine these disciplines, while living the good life off the grid somewhere gorgeous and green. We gently gravitated towards home-birthing and alternative/home education for our children and seek to raise them with values that will help them leave a minimal footprint on the planet.
How important do you think it is that children play with natural toys and items? 
For us, it’s important that our children have toys which are as renewable as possible and place little to no impact on the earth’s resources. We like for as many of our products as possible to break down and compost rather than add to landfill. We also want to make sure that the products that children are spending time with – sleeping with cuddling, playing, sucking – are non-toxic and the best way we can do that is to know that they’ve derived as directly from nature as possible. Children make connections to the natural world and understand that a wooden toy has come from a tree sooner than they understand a plastic toy deriving from fossil fuels. Natural toys draw them into that positive connection with nature. Natural toys, and the toys we look for, tend to be a little more open-ended, providing more scope for the imagination and encouraging active play.
What made you decide to open a shop?
We’ve adored Spiral Garden for years and were regular customers when it was based in Queensland and run by another home-educating family we knew from online parenting forums. When Bel (the previous owner) announced she was selling, we very spontaneously decided to take the plunge and buy it and help it grow… And every night since (once the kids are in bed) has been filled with Spiral Garden! Our days are very VERY looong. But lovely!
How do you find your suppliers?
Some we inherited when we took on the business. Many are people we know locally or have found online in places like Instagram. Some are long-time customers have contacted us and told us about what they do… Most of the time it’s luck!
How important to you is it that you find sustainable, natural, handmade items?
We feel it’s super important to support artists and makers directly where we can and as locally as possible to us. With this in mind, we’ve worked to build mutually beneficial relationships with a number of artists and makers. It helps us know that the products have been made without harm to any person or the environment if we know how and where they were made, and by whom. We try to have a balance in our range that gives makers a platform while keeping handmade products affordable. There are so many people out there making beautiful things and we want everyone to know about them! We also want to make it easy for our customers to know that when they buy a product for their family, it is good for the planet and the people who live on it. We want them to know that their purchase is going towards supporting another family or community and not harming the environment. Warm fuzzy feelings all round!
How do you stop yourselves getting one of everything because it’s all so awesome?
The entire shop is like a giant wish list for our own children (and us)! It’s fairly certain we’ll end up with one of everything somewhere along the way…
What’s in store for Spiral Garden in the future?
Lots of colour and movement… We’re planning a little makeover soonish and we have lots of yummy new stock on the way. We’ll keep expanding and keep finding fabulous makers to bring life to our little store.

 Gift Guide:

1. Mahogany cooking set: Mahogany trees are grown around rubber plantations to protect the young rubber trees. They are harvested after around 10 to 15 years. The timber of these trees is used to make these beautiful products. Made using natural, non toxic materials and compliant with or exceeding the Australian/NZ standards of safety. Designed by a team in Melbourne and produced in Vietnam under a fair trade scheme. $46

2. Cuddle doll: This cotton velour cuddle doll is perfect for babies and very young children. Stuffed with soft pure wool fleece, it is just the right size to pop in a pocket and take along on outings so a safe and familiar friend is always near. Handmade in Tasmania by Precious Little Folk. $26.

3. Finetec watercolour Kinder set: Six bright, highly pigmented opaque watercolours in a durable box with paint brush. Paint discs are 44mm in diameter, making them a perfect size for small children to work with. Made to last and fabulous quality. CE certified and Non-toxic. Made in Germany by Finetec. $10

4. Pure Beeswax: Beautiful pure beeswax ingot brought to you by Owlet, using pure beeswax from a local Tasmanian apiary. Suitable for many purposes such as candle-making, making your own crayons, lip balm, ointments or polish. Each ingot is approximately 6cm long, 4cm wide and 3cm tall and weighs 50g. $4.

5. Periodic Table Building Blocks:  (not gonna lie, I’ve not been so excited about a product this Christmas as I am about these! SO amazing) The entire periodic table of elements on 20 hand-crafted wood cubes. This set of blocks is crafted from sustainable Michigan basswood, then printed with a colorful range of non-toxic inks. Each block contains six element images with their atomic number, symbol, and name. $69.50

6. DAS White Modeling Clay: Air hardening, non-toxic modelling clay. Use it to make gorgeous decorations, beads etc. and add colour with our Giotto Decor Materials pens. Fine even texture that is easy to manipulate and smooth. $8.

7. Farm Barn: This gorgeous and sturdy farm play set includes all the accessories for a pretend farm play. From the beautiful barn to tractor, farm animals, wood pile, stock yards and much more. Set includes 1 tractor, 8 farm animals and a small pile of wooden logs. It measures 60cm x 40cm x 22cm. Made of plantation timber, using non toxic materials and compliant with or exceed the Australian/NZ standards of safety. Designed by a team in Melbourne and produced in Vietnam under a fair trade scheme. $105

8. Round wooden drum: This quality wooden drum produces a range of soft but tonally distinct percussive sounds. Ethically made from environmentally safe rubberwood. $25

9. Peppa Doll – Lynn: Peppa dolls are a beautiful collection of hand made cloth dolls, made using all natural materials. Drawing on techniques used in traditional European doll making, their appearance is intentionally simple, helping to stimulate and develop the imagination and creativity of the child playing with them. Peppa dolls can sleep, laugh, cry, be happy or sad in any moment, which is why a Peppa doll will soon become your child’s favourite friend. These adorable dolls are made with 100% Cotton that has been dyed with safe azo-free dyes. The 100% sheep wool filling absorbs familiar scents easily, providing comfort and familiarity. They are beautiful to hold, cuddle and play with and will be a favourite in your home for years to come.
Offering different skin types and ethnic backgrounds, Peppa dolls appeal to all children. Each doll comes with its own outfit (as pictured) that can be removed. Peppa Dolls are hand made in India, under a Fair Trade scheme. $55

You can find Spiral garden on facebook here and instagram here.


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