Categories: Giveaway

Giveaway – the coolest bike basket EVER for your lil lady. Or dude.

Um excuse me, but how cute is this?

Abby is a tad small for bike riding at this juncture in her career, but you can bet the second she gets some wheels, this is going on the front. No white-plastic-with-sad-little-fake-daisy business here!

The lovely Joyce at Tot Hot or Not just happens to have a SUPER-COOL online bicycle clothing and accessories store called Cycle Style, and she asked if my readers might like one of these. I hesitated about one-eighth of a second before I said yes! You DO want one, don’t you?!

Of course you do. They’re hand crafted from natural materials. They’re cute. It can be carried just like a regular basket for collecting serious kid things. If you don’t win one, they’re only $39 to buy. They will make you happpeeeeeeee.

All you have to do is leave a comment telling us about the first time you rode your bike without training wheels. Do you remember? I do! I have a very clear memory of getting on my Strawberry Shortcake bike, riding down the driveway and being SO excited. I looked up to show off to my parents, only to find neither of them watching. Mum was in the kitchen and dad was in his workshop. Story of my life!

Anyhow, the tale we like the most wins. It can be funny, it can be sweet, it can be a limerick, it can be a pictorial. Whatever you like. Whatever we like.

Competition closes next Friday, July 6 at 5pm. Australian residents only, please (sorry). Please make sure your entry allows you to be contacted somehow. Any questions, please ask!

And while you’re doing that, I’m going to lust after this riding cape, and this wine holder, and this amazing pink-and-white-skull helmet. And possibly this orange floral pannier, even though it would clash with my pink bike. BBL.

Joyce was kind enough to send Abby a basket to say thanks for running the giveaway. She’s a good egg like that.

Cycle Style is on Facebook here and Twitter here. Go stalk!


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