Categories: Kid Food

Kid food: lunch

Interestingly, even at 14 months, Abby is not an adventurous eater despite my best efforts!

I thought at least she would be willing to try things because food is still very new to her, and it’s still very exciting, but the variety of foods that end up in her mouth and not on the floor are at this stage, sadly very narrow. How boring! Sometimes doesn’t even try them before they’re jettisoned. Won’t even eat rockmelon, which leaves me to come to the conclusion she is not my child.

At first, baby burritos were met with enthusiasm. At least, the wrap was! Lettuce and tomato were avoided. Salsa and sour cream was face painted, bean and cheese wholegrain wrap demolished. Not bad.
Egg sandwich on sourdough, grapes. Very much a win.
Avocado on homemade rye with sultanas and one dried apricot – these are such tough going she can only get through one! Any kind of bread/sandwich/toast/cracker will always be eaten.
Cream cheese and homemade pesto on wrap with strawberries. A bit of avocado to tide her over while I made the wrap. The avocado ended up smeared all over the high chair tray, as I’m sure you can see.
The wrap was flung onto the floor, piece by piece, as were the strawberries.
Round two included me re-trying strawberries alongside a cold cauliflower pastry roll thingy. THAT was eaten, the strawberries abandoned a second time.
So far, the only fruit she will eat are grapes, sultanas and blueberries. Loves stewed rhubarb and apple. I think she once ate some steamed apple pieces but I honestly can’t be sure. Everything else is met with horror.
Vegetables are not popular. Will sometimes eat peas. Puree stuff is fine, finger food veggie chunks are not.
Cannot possibly be my child.
What are your little guys eating? Much more adventurous stuff than this kid, I hope! 
I’ll keep plugging away, I’m sure it will change and evolve in time.

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