Categories: Giveaway

Love to Dream Organic Swaddle Giveaway!

Swaddling was something I was determined to master when I had Abby. Whatever was going to get me MOAR SLEEP was something I was going to perfect, come what may.
And I did. I am (self-proclaimed, but try me) the Best Baby Swaddler Ever.
I even hated when other people would swaddle her as I knew she was going to come undone and wake herself up. There would be tears. Mostly mine.
But Abby was a winter baby. She could handle an extra couple of layers, and since a large swaddle was one of the Key Things To Keeping a Baby Swaddled, it meant even more layers of muslin.
I thought about getting a little swaddle bag for Pepper, as they’re only one layer and quite light for summer. I wasn’t sure, as I still wasn’t sold on their ability to really stifle the startle reflex that I was pretty certain would keep waking her up. Then I was given one as a baby shower present and that was that.
She has not been out of one since she was born.
Ok, that’s a lie – one day she puked on one and had a poosplosion on the other, so they were both in the wash and I swaddled her. She sweated all over me.
Turns out Abby really liked to play with her hair when going to sleep, so the swaddles didn’t last more than a few months.
It also appears Pepper really likes sleeping with her paws up near her face. These cute little bags allow her to do that.
I really, really like to hold her (my last baby… waaaaaaahhhhhh) and it’s getting really, really hot. I’m so thankful someone smarter than me designed these so I can squish her all day long and not overheat her, but when I put her down she’s still snuggled.
The swaddle is stretchy, and after tucking their little wings in, sits super-close to the body to make the babies feel warm and comforted.
And I can let others zip her up in one without wigging out that I’m going to have to re-wrap her in half an hour anyway.
She also really hates getting her nappy changed, so the clever double-zip means she can be swaddled at the top and I just unzip her bottom half and get business done. No unwrapping the whole baby. Given babies poop nine million times a day, this has been fabulous for us, and our eardrums.
But for you? This is what it does:
Love to Dream asked me if I’d like a Love To Swaddle Up Organic which is even lighter than the one I originally had, and if I’d like to give one away to you guys.
A lot of you are already fans, so if you know someone who just had a baby or who is going to, then enter on their behalf! Or let them know… every mum needs the best sleep they can get!
Oh yeah… the babies. The babies do too.
So here’s what you’ll get:
A Love to Swaddle Up Organic
because you’ll probably be washing yours as often as I do mine!
All’s you have to do is leave a comment telling me your swaddle stories. We will pick one that resonates with us and you will be the winnah!
It’s Ok. I don’t like games of skill either, but without a permit we can’t do a random draw. Sucky McSuckerson.
The competition will close next Sunday November 4 at 5pm Queensland time.
Please make sure you’re contactable in your entry – I’ve had a few winners go missing so don’t forget!
I will email the winner and announce it on my Facebook page.
Good luck xx

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