Categories: Main DishVegetarian

Baked gnocchi in Tomato Sauce

It’s getting cooler! I can put the oven on in the evenings! Although you will still mostly find me out at the grill. There has been quite a bit of rain lately, and it means the cooler evenings are even more so than usual. I feel as though I’ve been too busy to enjoy summer this year (and the baby is still too small to take out in it very often) so I’m looking forward to autumn and to trying summer again next year.

This dish is a favourite of mine, as I love gnocchi and baking it with the sauce this way is just so delicious. Served with garlic bread and a nice glass of red and I’m a happy girl! It’s exceptionally good as a weeknight dish, just throw it all in the oven and go do something else 🙂

You can use ready-made pasta or spaghetti sauce if you are looking for even more of a shortcut on a frazzled night, but the sauce really doesn’t take very long. I use my regular tomato sauce for it (feel free to laugh at my huge kitchen fail on that post!) and am free to add in whatever veg is in the fridge that I’d like to use – I especially like mushroom and zucchini in this, especially if it has been pre-roasted in the oven while you’re making the sauce and before the finished dish goes in. Semi-dried tomatoes and grated carrot is also great to add to the sauce as it’s simmering.

Feel free to top with whatever cheese you desire – feta is exceptionally good.

Baked gnocchi in tomato sauce


  • 1 Packet gnocchi, cooked according to packed directions
  • 1 batch Veggie Mama tomato sauce ((onion, garlic, tinned tomatoes, herbs, pinch sugar, salt and pepper and a dash of balsamic)
  • Whatever addins you like (mushrooms, zucchini, semi-dried tomatoes, grated carrot)
  • your favourite cheese (I use feta and parmesan-style)


Step 1
Add your tomato sauce to your cooked gnocchi in a baking dish. Add in your pre-roasted veg (or add semi-dried tomatoes and grated carrot to your sauce). Top with your favourite cheese and bake.
Linky Bitz

♥ The linky will be up every Monday morning, and will stay up until the following Sunday. It doesn’t matter if you eat your meal on a day other than Monday – it’s just an easy day to create the link.
♥ Visit at least one other blogger and leave some love. This is so much more cool if we’re in it together!


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