Categories: Kid Food

Meatless Monday – Kid food: Silverbeet and pumpkin mini quiches

Kid food is fun! Well it is to me, anyway, as I always love making stuff in tiny sizes. No wonder I love bento so much.

I made about 24 of these gorgeous little things and ate about 20 myself when Abby was reticent to investigate them. Veggie Dad took some for work lunches and the rest I froze. Still not sure if they’ll work out, time will tell, I suppose! I find them very handy to just grab and eat on the go, a healthy alternative to what was most likely going to be a muesli bar or biscuit or something.

You could always just put the mix in one quiche plate if you’re wanting something bigger, but I find these little portions to be no extra effort.

1.5 cups cubed pumpkin, steamed 2 minutes
chopped silverbeet, spinach or kale
1-2 tomatoes, chopped
2 cups grated cheese
1 small onion, chopped fine
2 cloves garlic, minced
3 eggs
1.5 cups milk
1/2 cup self-raising flour


1. In muffin trays, distribute cubed pumpkin, silverbeet, tomato and cheese evenly.

2. In a large bowl, mix onion, garlic, milk, eggs and flour until combined.

3. Transfer to a jug and pour a little into each muffin tray. You don’t really need much, it will puff as it cooks and you’re really just looking to bind the ingredients, not have them swim in it.

4. Bake in a 180-200C oven for 15 minutes until puffed and golden.

Serve hot, warm or cold.

Linky bitz…

 The linky will be up every Monday morning, and will stay up until the following Sunday. It doesn’t matter if you eat your meal on a day other than Monday – it’s just an easy day to create the link!
 Grab the Meatless Monday button above and put it in your post, and even on your sidebar if you’re feeling generous.
♥ Visit at least one other blogger and leave some love. This is so much more cool if we’re in it together!
Where it says “Name”, you might like to add the name of your dish instead or as well.

And please… no seafood! I’m no militant veg head, but I draw the line there.

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