Categories: Life

One Perfect Day

With the exception of leaving my purse behind this morning as I shopped at Bunnings, today has been one of those  damn perfect simple days.

Sure I had to be at gymnastics by 9 after I accidentally woke up at 8.20, but we got there AND I managed breakfast before I left. So we’ll chalk that up to a win. Also an 8.20 wake-up? That means I slept.

I also spent the day working on my book, gardening, watching the kids have the actual time of their lives in mud in the back yard, I ate really good food, drank really good tea, chatted with the husbot, shopped in my local village for the paper and a pastie, sat around and read books, played with the kids, bathed them early (see the aforementioned mud) and was in my own pyjamas come 4pm.

And while I’d like maybe for Matt to be home for a nice dinner and an even nicer bottle of wine to cap off the perfect day, he’s out this evening. So in the Sliding Doors alternate reality 10/10 evening, I get to read food magazines alongside watching back-to-back royal documentaries and British baking shows (while slamming down some Whittaker’s Coconut Block, amen) without sharing the remote. Praise be.


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