Categories: BloggingLife

Most Popular Posts of 2016: Existential Crises, Lasagne and The Number-One School Mum Question

It’s been a quiet year here on VM, I’ve been busy with other things, namely navigating our first year of school and kindergarten, and working over at ProBlogger.

I’ve also been making much more time to create things by hand, spend time with people (I am introvert, hear me squeak), explore Melbourne, travel when I can (who am I kidding, I always make time for that), and reading. So much reading!

I am hoping to chat more next year where I can – I’ve got some Carlo stories to tell, some more recipes, and I like just checking in with y’all. The FB gang has been the actual best thing to come out of 2016, by the way! It feels so collaborative in there, rather than me just shouting at you on the internet.

So the most popular posts this year are few, but they deserve to be there. I can’t wait to see what 2017 brings, although it gives me the heebies just writing that!

Veggie Mama Most Popular Posts of 2016

I went for a drive and I thought about stuff

It gets deep and I go off on twelve tangents, but it hit folks right in the feels – namely me. It totally gave me a new perspective and I haven’t thought the same way since.

Read it hereI went for a drive and I thought about stuff.

Vegan Raspberry Muffins

Legitimately so good. So is my suited-up, dreadlocked tangent.

Read it here: Vegan Raspberry Muffins.

The best vegetarian lasagne. For real.

Now I’m not one for superlatives, but you can imagine I’ve tried every vegetarian lasagne incarnation over the last 11 years and I can definitively say this is the best I’ve ever had. Everrrrrr.

Read it here: The best vegetarian lasagne. For real.

Which Lunch Box is the Best?

Yes, I know. I spent a lot of time thinking about them, researching them, and trialling them. These are their stories. *dun dun*

Read it here: Which Lunch Box is the Best?

School holiday snacks: ideas to keep the kids fed without losing your mind

Oh so timely! Plenty to keep the pantry and fridge full for the lonnnng weeks where everyone’s home, underfoot, and hungry.

Read it here: School holiday snacks: ideas to keep the kids fed without losing your mind

Ha! Food, food, and more food. When I thought about getting back to my blogging roots earlier this year, I mustn’t have been too far off the mark.

What did you enjoy this year? Waka? Me too 😉


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