Categories: LifeMotherhood

That’s what’s going on

So many lovely little things have been chipping at the lump of coal I call a heart these days. Eden was right when she said kids burst your heart right open.
Going in to see Bigs in the morning to find she’s been quietly “reading”. This kills me dead on the spot. Reading is my first love and I desperately wanted for my children to like books – they have been the best thing in my life, ever since my mum taught me to read when I was four. I read Biggie the entire works of Oscar Wilde when I was pregnant with her, and have read to her ever since she came home from the hospital. If it turns out they’re not big readers, I will get over it, but for now, the sight of this brings me great joy.

A lovely gift from the baby’s aunt at Lisa Jane Designs. It is absolutely huge and I can’t wait to hang it. Every time I walk in her room, it makes me smile. (Bigs has one here).

An overflowing fruit bowl. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting a big box of organic fruit and veg each week, and stretching my culinary brain to figure out how to use them before they go bad. I learned the hard way that organics disappear right quick if you’re not on your game. It also made me wonder what the hell is sprayed on regular produce to make it last so long? I just never thought about it with any real depth before. Our farmer Gary is just fabulous, so friendly and helpful – I ask him his tips and tricks for my own garden! And their delivery driver Ross is cheerful and always has a kind word for Biggie. I just can’t recommend this way of getting your fruit and veg enough. (I buy mine from Kookaburra Organics. Not paid to say that, they just damn well deserve a shoutout!)

Oh that age where they play with their feet. I could eat her. She’s almost rolling over, chubby thighs working overtime but just can’t quite make it. Any day now.

RANDOM THIGH HUGS. the best ever.

Pretty flowers for me because my husband is super-supportive of this here blog and something exciting just happened. And he trotted off and got me a little congratulations bunch and a card. He is the best ever and if I ever figured out how to clone him, I’d be a very rich woman indeed.

And little tea parties. cuppa teeeeea, mum? yes please.

What’s been making you happy? I hope its a random thigh hug.


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