Categories: Life

These busy days

It has taken a good week post-school holidays to get back in our groove again, but tbh it’s Monday of the following week and I still don’t know what we’re having for dinner so perhaps I’m not as settled as I think I am. Suggestions gratefully received!

We had a big first week of the holidays, with work and other commitments keeping us busy every day of the first 7 days. When work is reviewing fun things to do with kids it’s not all bad though – especially for the little ones! We tried out the ice slide set up in Southbank, we went to the MCG for the Hawks/Bupa Family Footy Day (more on that later, and congrats to Michelle who won the giveaway – it’s SO NICE to meet readers in actual life), spent two days in Warrnambool at the Fun4Kids Festival, visited the pop-up Lego City play area in Docklands, rode ponies and patted llamas at the Royal Melbourne Show launch, threw snowballs at the Big Freeze Festival, stepped back in time to the shipwreck past and replica 1870s village at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum, travelled the Great Ocean Road, checked out my old house and school in Terang on the way home, and basically collapsed when the week was over.

Flagstaff hill was fricken awesome

I barely remember week two, I think I was still recovering. I love travel and love being a homebody and never the twain shall meet, it seems.

The Nana Nook at Fun4Kids where volunteer grannies taught hand crafts was my favourite.

The battle continues to keep the house at a manageable level of chaos, it seems every time I sort out one room someone has completely trashed another. I trashed my own on Saturday as I took 542 of photos of things I need to sell on eBay and by the end of it my room looked like someone held a Wolf of Wall Street party in it with cereal instead of cocaine and other people’s ill-fitting clothes instead of strippers. I basically gutted the entire thing once my camera’s battery had died in protest and made the bed anew because if the house was a confused jungle of god knows what and undone laundry, then at least I could go to bed early with the electric blanket on in a room that was somewhat presentable.

A sample of shit everywhere in 2014 that is still all over my floor in 2017. 

The kids just get so caught up in their imaginary worlds and use all kinds of things as substitute whatevers and are terrible at putting anything away, ever or staying in one room. I packed up a plastic box of Shopkins and tiny bits and bobs and god knows what else and put it quietly in the garage. I felt bad because they really do play with these toys and enjoy them but if they can’t put them away I might slowly and quietly die of rage brought on by a sea of pink thingamabobbies underfoot. There are so many tiny whatevers I have to go digging through the vacuum for before something has to be done to save mama’s sanity.

Anyway chatting here is not getting my washing hung out as much as I’m enjoying it, so I shall bid you adieu. I hope you all survived/enjoyed the holidays and remembered to wake up at the right time when school started. I hope your beds were always warm and tidy and that your wine glass or tea mug was filled at all times. May this term be easy and may my kids forget about that box in the shed. Amen.


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