Categories: Veggie Mama Book Club

Veggie Mama Book Club #10: Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King

Look at that – I’ve not busted out a Stephen King until book number 10! The restraint! Amazing!

I was actually going to assign something else but it would take a lot of brainpower and you know what? It’s November, minds are strained, Imma let you off the hook on that one. Until the summer holidays, so enjoy it while it lasts.

Even better, Stephen King’s Full Dark, No Stars is a) not your typical scary Stephen King with monsters and horror shit for those of you a bit iffy about that kind of thing, and b) four short novels in one. Read one! Read all four! Doesn’t matter! Do what you can/want. Easy does it in the pile-on that is the end of the year.

About Full Dark, No Stars

Full Dark, No Stars is a collection of four intense short stories with retribution as the central theme. Released in the fall of 2010 in hardcover and audiobook formats, Full Dark, No Stars is a powerful read featuring some of Stephen’s most graphic and merciless content to date –

For a Nebraska farmer, the turning point comes when his wife threatens to sell off the family homestead (aka 1922, which you can watch on Netflix right now).

A cosy mystery writer plots a savage revenge after a brutal encounter with a stranger.

Dave Streeter gets the chance to cure himself from illness – if he agrees to impose misery on an old rival.

And Darcy Anderson discovers a box containing her husband’s dark and terrifying secrets – he’s not the man who keeps his nails short and collects coins. And now he’s heading home . . .

Yes thanks!

Find Full Dark, No Stars

You can find the hard copy and kindle copy on Amazon, various versions on eBay, and the audio version on audible. Check your local library, the website of your State Library, and ebook borrowing sites online. Hard copies are also available online at Booktopia, the Book Depository (currently on sale), and Abebooks (although that can take a while to ship). For in-store in Melbs, I love Brunswick Bound and Readings, but it should be available in your local, or they can get it in.

About the Veggie Mama Book Club

This is super-chill, read what you want, as much or as little as you want, participate-however-you-want-kind of book club. Maybe challenge yourself a little because that is a good thing, but let this not be a burden.

We’ll pick a book per month and discuss it both on the blog and in the Facebook group (and for locals, in real life, over a beverage and platter of some type).

You can share at any time anywhere with the hashtag #vmbookclub and you can tag me @veggie_mama. I am also open to suggestions at any time, and I look forward to us maybe getting out of our literary comfort zones and always learning something when we do, even if we don’t like the book itself. Or the author. Or Tuesdays. Or broccoli.

Find previous picks here:

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