Categories: BloggingLife

I can’t believe people let work get in the way of blogging

I remember years ago when people still blogged, I would be quite mystified when one by one, folks dropped off the radar when they started working. They would say they just didn’t have any time any more.

But don’t you do it for the love of it? I’d think. Wouldn’t you still love it even when you’re working? Of course I would still blog, I thought. And I did. For years.

And now… well I’m working and I just don’t have any time any more.

Actually, that’s a lie. You have all the time you make for something and I have plenty of time to blog. I just don’t make that time as much as I used to. Why? who knows! But I’ve become part of the ranks I swore I wouldn’t join. Forgive me, computer.

There is a huge possibility the time I used to spend blogging I now spend on doing the above.

So it’s still winter here even though the sun is out a little more and things have started to bloom. It was 6 degrees on the school run this morning but absolutely glorious in the sun.

We’re going this afternoon to find the last piece of Biggie’s Book Week outfit tomorrow (yes we celebrate it a week late, our school is big on rebellion) and we’re smack bang in the middle of a house rearrange to make room for a new body moving in soon (no I’m not having a baby). It looks exactly like every sharehouse I’ve ever lived in, with utter detritus absolutely everywhere, and overwhelmed doesn’t even cut it. We have a very small house that has just enough room for everything, so finding extra storage space where there is none is probably the most useless thing I’ve ever attempted.

It’s been a fun few weeks since last we met, though. We’ve been eating lots (oh my god so much SNACKING at the canteen help me)

We had our annual school fete that took a week to recover from

Yes my take-home pile from the secondhand book stall was extensive

We were the proud parents of a guinea pig for a weekend (we took home a school pet) and it just made us miss our bunny all the more.

I caught sight of the first jasmine which I was VERY excited about.

We went to Ballarat and ate fancy burgers and looked at art

Thank you Fine Grazing!

I won one hell of a cheese platter (more on that later)

I went to the University of Melbourne open day as I’m thinking of doing some postgrad stuff (and I discovered university vloggers goodbye any more free time I may have had)

We went on a farmstay that was half watching the pigs eat and half drinking whisky by the fire


And so did the blossom. Praise be.


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