The Throne Rangers Podcast Episode 14: Get Your Ferg On

It’s been a quiet couple of weeks in Royalwatcher Land, but it’s been a whole year since Beth and I started the podcast! I can’t quite believe it, but last episode when we were covering the Commonwealth Day service it really struck me that we had been at this a whole 12 months. I love the cyclical nature of royal events, and also weeks like this that throw you for a loop because not much is going on.

However. That seems to give the tabloids carte blanche to go fucking nuts with stupid stories and true to form, that’s exactly what they’ve done. Apparently haz and meg are gonna raise the baby vegan but the queen put the kybosh on that (I cannot even with this ‘story’ and how on earth we would ever know this level of personal detail), Billy was getting one away with the neighbour, the lies were coming thick and fast all fortnight. I’m so done with it.

Also folks were mad that Charles went for a swim. They were mad he went for a swim in trunks that were about $400. They also mentioned he bought the trunks 12 years ago, so that’s money well spent if you ask me. let the (in strikingly good form 70-year-old) man swim in peace! Ffs.

Cathy visited with the scouts looking very Standard Cath Outdoorsy Barbie, Tatler sniffed at Our Meg, Henry planted some trees, Meg and Haz were papped coming out of a wellness centre (which sparked a whole other discussion about pap shots and lack thereof), and THE SUSSEXES HAVE THEIR OWN INSTAGRAM.

They done broke the internet with the speed at which they gained new followers, and the Kensingtonroyal account was inundated with both camps either going “THANK GOD BYEEEEEEE I’m off to follow the only royals who count” or “THANK GOD BYEEEEEE we are here for the true royals, the heir to the throne, and that ginger fella and his hollywood housewife can GTFO”.

Friends, anywhere where current royal fans congregate is an absolute cesspit. I can’t quite believe it (and the people I ban from Normcore Royals are next level) and it’s not somewhere I enjoy being. The sheer ignorance mixed with obstinate entitlement is a feral combination. Also, nobody can do anything, anywhere, without somebody mentioning Diana. Imagine that! It literally never ends.

Anyway, lets talk about Zara’s hot AF shoes and why we don’t delve into European royalty when we chat BRF. Let’s talk about the soothing St Paddy’s day engagement that makes everything all right every year. Highgrove house posting pictures of Gloucestershire waking up to Spring. These are a few of my favourite things.


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